Youth Group

Youth Group

First Parish Youth Group meets every Sunday evening. Youth in Middle and High School are welcome.  Come and check us out!

The youth group program is designed and coordinated by our Youth Advisor, McKayla Hoffman, and our Director of Community Life & Learning, Dr. Kate Sullivan. The group focus throughout the year centers on a number of activities including worship, discussion, spiritual exploration, social justice, service within the church community, plain & simple FUN, and leadership. Each year the group plans a service trip and the fundraising activities to support the endeavor.

In addition, all Youth are invited to attend Sunday morning worship services, be involved in the Sunday morning Faith Formation program as group leaders, and participate in the choir.

Mission to Serve…Like a Champion!

In 2015, the First Parish youth group traveled to West Virginia and worked with Big Creek on a variety of construction projects for individuals and families in need. Devastated by flooding and plagued by chronic poverty, visit and service in the area was eye-opening for our teens who learned about the challenges of limited clean water and the environmental hazards of the coal mining industry.


Amazing things happen when we get together.